(404) 679-4501 or (404) 679-4500

Career &




Documentation and information for the testing process

There are several documents that must be used for testing. These documents should be downloaded at least two weeks prior to testing by the test site administrator.


The links to the documents are given below. The test site administrator must be sure that all proctors have a copy of the Proctor Guide and the E-SESS Online Test Instructions:

  • CTECS-TSA-Guide –Guidelines for TSAs. Includes policies, reimbursement, and data verification.
  • CTECS-Proctor-Guide –Guidelines for proctors and how to have a successful testing experience. Includes troubleshooting testing issues.
  • Using-Your-E-SESS-Admin-Acct  — Step by step procedures for registering students and handling errors using the instant enrollment AND generating test tickets and reports in E-SESS.
  • E-SESS Participant Guide — E-SESS login and test navigation instructions.
  • IT Checklist –Guidelines for preparing the online testing environment.
WRS Characteristics and Forms of the Test in Virginia
Test Characteristics
    • Web-based (online) delivery through the E-SESS system in a proctored environment (teachers may NOT proctor their own students)
    • 100-question, multiple-choice test
    • One-hour window for completion (see extended time exceptions in Policies)
    • Passing score of 75 percent or higher (validated using the Modifed-Angoff Cut-Score methodology earns the test taker an official certificate (for WRS Test and Retake only)
    • Test site administrators have instant access to results upon completion
    • Test takers who do not pass the official WRS Test are eligible for up to two WRS Retakes (students who pass cannot retake the test for any reason). All standard requirements are identical for each of the WRS Retakes and the official WRS Test, including the passing score.
    • There is no software to install. For all other basic technical requirements, please click IT Requirements.
 Forms of the WRS Test
    • WRS Pre-Test—an unofficial test in the same format as the official WRS Test that allows educators to set baselines and students to prepare for the actual test. Test items differ from those on the official WRS Test. Students must wait at least 10 days between the WRS Pre-Test and the WRS Test.
    • WRS Test—the official test taken the first time that validates competency in each skill within a comprehensive score.
    • WRS Retake #1—the second attempt to pass the official test that uses the same items. Test takers MUST wait at least 14 calendar days between the WRS Test and the WRS Retake.
    • WRS Retake #2—the third attempt to pass the official test that uses the same items. Test takers MUST wait at least 14 days after failing the first WRS Retake before they may take the second.
Cost per form of WRS assessment
  • Pre-Test (optional): $7
  • Post-Test: $10
  • Retake: $10
  • Second Retake: $10
Teaching Resources for WRS


Click here to see our new WRS Learning Modules.  Click on the newest links to see the associated activities from CTECS. We have also created a new WRS Resources site and we invite your comments in the blog sections.

Verso (Virginia)

Instructional and curriculum material is available through the Virginia CTE Resource Center at http://www.cteresource.org/about/index.html.

The ESCR Website (Nevada)

Visit the CTE – ESCR website: http://cte-escr.org/ 

Since Nevada adopted the Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS) from Virginia, which are called ESCR standards in Nevada, CTECS is pleased to offer the Consortium the Nevada resources for teaching the 22 WRS, through the CTE–ESCR website. By completing the lessons, students should be able to identify the WRS in various settings and be able to apply a proactive approach to improving their “employability” skills.

Links for WRS
IT Requirements

In order for the testing process to go smoothly, the IT requirements must be met. That said, the IT requirements are standard across today’s popular IT hardware and software tools.

Use this checklist to be sure computer settings are correct: IT Checklist for Administering CTECS Assessments

If there are issues during testing, refer to these troubleshooting documents:

Note: Have one or two students log in and take the WRS Sample Test at each test site well in advance of testing day to ensure that there are no proxy servers preventing access to the site, no software packages preventing cookies/sessions from being stored, or additional local obstacles.

IT System Specifications Details

  • Browser: The testing program is supported for participants on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari on currently supported platforms for those browsers. For Administrators – Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari on currently supported platforms.
  • Reporting: In some cases, in-browser reports are augmented with spreadsheet and/or PDF documents. Excel (or compatible) and a PDF reader (such as Acrobat Reader) are optional but not required. 
  • Audio: Using the audio feature requires additional bandwidth; you may notice slower response times during testing. CTECS recommends using hard-wired computer Internet connections. Audio is played using HTML 5 technology. 
  • Display Properties: The testing program is best viewed at 1024 x 768 display resolution or higher. It will work at 800 x 600.
  • Bandwidth: The bandwidth recommendation is a T1 line for every 150 simultaneous users. The T1 may be able to serve additional students; however, student populations greater than 150 per site have not been tested and confirmed by TFI. Bandwidth may be an issue if the connections are not “dedicated.”
  • Memory: There are no specific requirements for the CPU, RAM, etc. If the machine will run the browser, the E-SESS application will run.
  • Firewalls and server settings: Content is accessed through https://techfluency.org/esess/. Media (images and audio) are served  through https://media.techfluency.org/ via the AWS CloudFront service. Please ensure your location is not blocking these domains or services.
Take the Sample Test

This is to ensure your system is compatible and functioning correctly, not to practice the test. Access the sample test by following these instructions:

1.     Go to http://www.techfluency.org/esess/

2.     Make the following entries into the four blanks:

    • Organization: Virginia WRS
    • First Name: sample
    • Last Name: sample
    • Password: sample

3.     Click Log In.

4.     Check the box to agree to statements.

5.     Click Begin.


Click the speaker icon to ensure the audio is working properly. At least one graphic should be visible and the timer should be visible and clearly readable.

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