(404) 679-4501 or (404) 679-4500

Career &






Please see the VDOE website, specifically the CTE Program and Administration webpage for the latest information.

2024-2025 VDOE Reimbursement Form. Complete and submit to the VDOE.  

If you are seeking state funding reimbursement in order to comply with the May 1, 2025, Virginia Department of Education submission deadline:

  • All WRS purchaser’s contracts or purchase orders must be submitted to CTECS by April 21, 2025.
  • You must be finished with all CTECS testing by April 25, 2025.

If you are seeking 2024-25 federal Perkins funding reimbursement:

  • You must purchase or encumber all CTECS testing requests by June 30, 2025.
  • You must submit all reimbursement requests to the Virginia Department of Education via OMEGA by September 30, 2025.
  • Perkins funding may only be utilized after spending the state credential allotments.

If you have additional questions about state requirements, please contact:

William Hatch, J.D.
Associate Director for Program Administration and Workforce Development

Virginia Department of Education

[email protected]

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