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As a charter member of CTECS, Kentucky has had a strong relationship with the consortium throughout the years. In the late 1990s, CTECS provided support and guidance in the design and development of the Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards and Assessments (KOSSA).
This initiative first stemmed from the increased need of the manufacturing industry for a highly skilled and quality-oriented workforce. In order to ensure that career and technical education students acquired the skills necessary for successful transition from high school to postsecondary studies or the workforce, Kentucky initiated a Skill Standards and Assessment System. This system is based upon clear and concise standards identified by employers across the state that culminates in a performance-based training and assessment system. Skill standards provide a common language, goals, and reference points for employers, students, and educators. With these commonalities, educators are better able to design curriculum to meet the needs of industry; students have a better understanding of what they must know and be able do in order to prepare for careers; and employers have in place an efficient system for recruiting and evaluating potential employees.
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Kentucky has in place the development and implementation of skill standards and assessments projects in the areas of agriculture, business and marketing, health science, human services, information technology, communications, construction, transportation, technology and engineering, and manufacturing. All high schools and technical centers are required to integrate these standards into their instructional programs and use the end-of-program assessments or other approved industry certifications as a measure of technical skill attainment for Carl D. Perkins reporting and as a component of career readiness for state accountability.
For more information regarding the Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards and Assessments, visit
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