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Additional Info
The Florida Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) Certified Technician Exam is openly available to the public. A school or organization that will be delivering the exam should follow the steps for the test site administrator.
NOTE–If an individual would like to take the exam, but is not affiliated with a school and does not have access to a test site administrator, that individual should contact Tim Withee at 404-994-6535 ([email protected]). CTECS will help the individual identify a test site where he/she may take the test in his/her immediate area.
The Florida Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) Certified Technician
Follow the links in the left navigation column for more information on the following:
- To place an order, contact Tim Withee ([email protected], 404-994-6535). Payment MUST be received before test site administrators are registered and test tickets are generated.
- Assign the test site administrator by having that person submit the Test Site Administrator Registration and Agreement form.
- Once the test site administrator has been acknowledged by CTECS, he/she can begin registering students. After a student registration form is uploaded to CTECS, CTECS staff will enroll the students in E-SESS, the online testing system.
- The test site administrator will receive an email with E-SESS login instructions when the students have been enrolled. Then the test site administrator can log into E-SESS to generate and print test tickets (vouchers).
- Test tickets are then distributed appropriately and students log into E-SESS to take the assessment in a proctored environment.
The primary purpose of the Florida Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) Certified Technician is to distinguish, through successful completion of certification assessment, those individuals who demonstrate mastery of automotive service technology core competencies, skills, and knowledge as an “entry-level” technician. The goal of the FADA Certified Technician certification is to
- enhance career opportunities through the achievement of an industry-recognized certification administered by an independent third-party provider
- elevate the level of performance of entry-level automotive service technicians to assist individuals in finding higher-wage jobs
- ensure employers have a certified workforce to help increase a company’s productivity and competitiveness.
CTECS assists FADA by overseeing the administration of the assessment, using our online testing system. We were also asked to be the third party reviewer of the assessment to assure that the assessment is reliable, valid, and meets all high quality assessment qualifications.
Privacy Policy
CTECS Online Privacy Policy on:
- what data we collect for the purpose of curricular instruction and testing AND how we collect it;
- how we use the data we collect;
- and finally, how we share AND protect personally identifiable information (PII) within the education testing environment involving students. (PII, as described in US privacy law and information security, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context).